Tuesday, July 29, 2014

News Story: Godzilla attacks Egypt

Godzilla became alive today, but instead of terrorizing Japan like we've come to expect, she attacked Egypt.
A Nile Crocodile was affected by some unknown source, and grew to be the size of a building in Egypt today. It knocked over buildings and managed to eat swaths of helpless victims before Shadow Wolf swooped in and saved the day.
While he initially struggled to move or anger the massive crocodile, he then started to grow to a massive size, surpassing the creature at which point, he simply picked up the reptile and flew off to north to the Mediterranean Sea.
Sources from the Military and the Luminaries stated they battled for another 3 minutes before the killer croc was subdued
Uncertain if it was scared or somehow enraged by it's new powers, Egyptian scientists have begun researching the Nile river for sources of contamination, whether toxic, radioactive, or Kracklezum related.
More details as they come available.

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