Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Metahuman Combat League explodes with audiences

Bomb threat at Mt Olympus. The world was shocked and amazed this last weekend at the Metahuman Combat League's debut match between James Baker and Shadow Wolf of the Luminaries. Halfway through the match, the present Luminaries, Kamikaze, Victori, and Gray suddenly started racing around the Colosseum pulling up crude explosives that could have caused massive amounts of damage and death.

7 bombs were recovered and promptly dismantled before they exploded. Another bomb was apparently hidden in the holoprojector system in the ring, which was ripped up and flown away by Shadow Wolf.

Unfortunately 1 bomb was left undetected and exploded, but fortunately no one was injured as a result.

Zebidiah Barrak, the owner of Mount Olympus, had this to say, "I, along with the rest of the staff at Mt Olympus are grateful for the timely response to the bomb threat, and are certainly glad that there was no one hurt in this incident.

Dominic Aries, head MCL producer and head of Aries Security was less pleased about the incident... stateing off camera that he was pursuing some leads with the local authorities to catch whomever is responsible.

In the mean time, ratings for the Metahuman Combat League were estimated at an impressive 2 million viewers. Once repairs are made, it will begin a regular fight schedule. Other locations are already being outfitted around the world with the force field/holographic stage stadium, for more matches around the world.

ESPN Fight recap:

The debut match of the Metahuman Combat League between James Baker (JB) and Shadow Wolf (SW).

Round 1: JB took the initiative and tackled SW to the mat and beating on his opponent swiftly. SW countered by increasing his size to the size of an armored truck. However JB was able to maintain his grip and initiated a choke hold. The match then ended with a few more blows in the face to shadow wolf.

Round 2: SW started to move around the ring in a blur, and managed to grab hold of JB in a massive bear hug. Despite his best efforts to kick and punch his way free, SW's grip remained firm and continued to cause JB incredible pain with submission holds.

Round 3: JB took initiative once more and tackled SW to the mat. However SW tried a new tactic using his incredible diaphragm muscles and lung capacity to suck in a massive amount of air, causing a strong wind to blow. JB barely held his footing together, and released his grapple on SW, and in response stomped on his mouth.

SW responded by blowing a gale force wind gust back, causing JB to recoil slightly. JB then landed a massive 2 hit combo to SW's midsection.

Round 4: Shadow Wolf holds up his hand to indicate he does not want to fight... James Baker nods respectfully and backs off into the edge of the ring. Shadow Wolf then rips up a large chunk of the floor, finds an object and takes off through the force field and the Coliseum's ceiling.

Due to the bomb threat, the match was declared No contest officially, the charity money was split evenly between all the charities and a rematch will be scheduled in short order.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Luminaries PR campaign

A series of Promotional posters for the Luminaries, a world wide philanthropist group dedicate to making the world a safer place.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

News Story: The two reporters who saved Japan... also the Luminairies

The Kasuganocho Shrine in Nara, Japan was under attack recently by a massive tidal wave. And was saved by a reporter from Buzz Feed. 

The heroic effort lead by the Luminaries to stop the wave from destroying the town ended with one of their own jets being piloted by the journalist broke up the wave. At which point they both jumped from the plane to escape certain destruction.

The plane was fine and only sustained minor damage, but the wave was disrupted.

Unfortunately the shrine suffered some incalculable damage when the Ever Flying Kite was destroyed in a battle with a death Oni. The Kite was said to have never been pulled in and stayed in perpetual flight for over 100 years.

Whether this is true, or simply a tourist story is unknown at this time.

The Luminaries were so efficient in disrupting the destruction of Nara, they had time for a quick photo opportunity, placed below.

News Story: Cobalt Commandos

Look out terrorists, Militant dictators, and bad guys. If you want to harm the innocent and stifle the freedom of others, you're about to become black and blue... Cobalt blue!
The Cobalt commandos have recently been hired by UN peace keeping forces as an elite force in the hotly contest areas in Africa. This blue man group of military muscle is more effective in many combat situations than a standing army 200 times it's size. This is largely due to the increased strength, stamina, and superior training given to these men by their leader and founder, Cobalt.
The world watches and waits to see if this mercenary group is really as tough as they claim to be... but already with their influence, the 2 year conflict in South Sudan was resolved in 2 days. An amazingly efficient turn around on what once thought to be a hopeless situation.
-BBC News anchor

News Story: Fire Oni Attack in Japan!

Fire Oni Attack in Japan!

The Luminaries saved the “Izumo Taisha” in the Shimane Prefecture from certain destruction today. Under attack from a variety of Fire Oni, or demon's as known in the western world who seemed hell bent on the destruction of the oldest shrine in Japan.

Amid the mysteries the Luminaries faced, a strange woman in Kabuki mask and covered head to toe... able to control darkness.

Despite the fact she escaped, the Luminaries still put out most of the fires with an impressive maneuver with their jet plane and some assistance with gravity control.

The only major damage to the site was 1 stolen stone lantern, which locals claim was irreplaceable, but not anything special compared to the dozen other stone lanterns at the site that the criminal skipped past.

This was a special mission for the Luminaries as it debuted their newest team members, White Lotus, Wraith, and Event Horizon... as well as some old friends, Lifeline and the Phoenix (formally Nix).